Thursday, May 8, 2008

Jesus Cooties

Yes my title last night was really "Jesus Cooties"... God gave me that title when I was praying... ok not really but it is a title students will at least remember. We talked about the need for us as Christians to be contagious with our "Christ Like" behavior. When everybody around you is happy and loving God, you will be happy and love God. We talked about the symptoms of somebody who might have "Jesus Cooties". Things like Daily bible reading, daily prayer time, faithfulness to the Church. I am thankful for the changes that are taking place in the lives of element students, but now its a time where we must become contagious of what God has blessed us with. Have you ever been in a church where the same 50 people you started with are still there? Somebody needs to infect that kind of Church with the "Jesus Cooties" :)
We need to show the world what we have, and not by forcing it on them but by being a walking testimony of what God had done in your life. I would like to share a video with you of some students who were recently infected with the "Jesus Cooties" (You know you love saying Jesus Cooties)

God Bless,
Pastor Brad


AskBeans said...

I have to admit it: I wiped tears.

Amazing, Brad. Simply amazing.

Unknown said...

i love to see all those new people. and hear those things from the ones i know. i almost cried dude. Jesus is awesome and he's working thought element!