Thursday, March 27, 2008


So what comes with a title? If you are titled "Janitor" you don't do hiring and firing of employees. If you are titled "Human Resources" you don't clean the bathrooms. What about when your titled "Student Pastor"? There is no way to narrow down the responsibilities. Is it my job to lock up, clean up, make sure every kid gets home, councils, speaks confidence into lives, corrects, leads, mentors, teach, organizes, come up with ideas, plans, schedule events, build relationships, straiten the chairs, turn on the sound system, turn off the lights? The list can go on and on and on. So how is it possible for me to do all of that? Well it really isn't but i sure try!

Moses couldn't build/govern a nation alone, Noah couldn't build a great boat alone, Jesus didn't try to reach everybody alone. So why should I try to build a great student program alone? So lets say your titled "Student" or "Student Leader" or even "Student Band". Where does your responsibilities end?

When there is trash on the floor do you pick it up?

When there is a kid nobody has talked to who is visiting for the first time do you go welcome them?

Do you walk in to the Church thinking about how you can make it the best experience for you or how you can make this the best experience for others?

Do you look around at students and find one you can connect with this week or maybe invite them to the prayer room or to sit with you in service?

My challenge to you is this. When you are on your way to Church make it all about Him. And in order to do that you have to make it less about you. Make it more about those you can reach and mentor. I see the lives of Chris Cravens, Jena, Salena, Cherokee and other younger students who are needing more influences in their lives. Do you know all of the students I listed? Could you point them all out? Lets broaden our titles. Lets not just be the "student" lets REACH! Lets do whatever we can to help out. When something is needing done just do it. When a student is sitting by his or her self go sit with them. Have a REAL conversation with them. Man I love this group! I just wish I had time to visit with you all every day of my life. I am so blessed to have you all in my life.

Lastly... Please do not take this as negativity. Take this as constructive criticism. We have been successful so you have all been doing things right. Now its time to REACH further. I would love to hear your positive feedback!



Anonymous said...

I'll definitely try my best to reach out to others. I have to admit, that I tend to hang out and talk to the same people every's time for me to start expanding my "social-ness".

P.S. If there is anything else that I can do to help out on Wednesdays...or Sundays...just let me know. I'm more than willing to help!

Katie R.

Anonymous said...

I could also try to get closer to the other people in the church, although I have to admit that really don't stick around and talk to anyone at all after service, which, I'm sure I need to change.

I didn't even know you had this, Brad. I would have been looking at it earlie.

Brad Hampton said...

Katie... that is what I like to see! Thank you for your commitment thus far and for what you are going to do in the future.... oh and for being my body guard!

Torrance... Your a quiet guy around us, but you are a huge part of what happens. Last night I would have pulled my hair out if you were not there to assist me and train EJ. Now venture out a little and find some students that you might have things in common with.

Writing is not a skill of mine so I have been quiet about it, but who said you have to be a English teacher to have a blog? Oh wait... Kendra did.