Thursday, March 13, 2008


The service was nearly over when Samster brought up a sheet of paper that said "80!" on it. I was so pumped and still am. I know its not about the numbers, but then again... Yes it is! Why is the bible so descriptive with the numbers? Its encouraging is why! If he fed 10 people fish and bread it wouldn't be such a big deal... if we ministered to 5 lastnight it would have been great... but 80! WOW! We are cramped in a little room but they keep coming, they keep inviting friends. The old 80% rule is not applicable in our case.

Service is winding down and I decided to make it open mic night... here comes 1, then 2, then 3, then about 7 kids to say something. Wait! Its not the older, church raised, popular kids... its the 14, to 16 year olds who come from broken homes, poverty stricken, pasts nobody should ever have to be apart of. They came one by one to explain what Wed. nights mean to them. How if it wasn't for somebody inviting them they have no clue where they would be. I'm talking NEW CHRISTIANS! I kid with them and tell them they have that "New Christian Smell". The best part... I didn't have to say or do anything. All I did was show up and let the kids lead and worship. Not once did I have to "cheerlead" them into anything. Chris Cravens wrote a poem that I read to everybody that broke me down... broke everybody down. We were so touched by the words of this young man (15 and brand new in the church). My prayer? Simple... "Thank you Jesus" That is all I could say... what more can I say? Time for "85!".



Anonymous said...

That is awesome man. Boy has it grown since I was a member of the youth there. I am hearing great things about the job you are doing there. I'm proud of you. God bless.

Jeremy Church

Brad Hampton said...

Thanks Jeremy! I know now somebody has read my blog at least once :)

Man things are going so good and all the glory to God. Now move over here and join us :)